Networking within consortium
The project activities in Test-ArtUp are organised according to four overarching objectives:
1. Technical development, design and field testing of a upwelling pump prototype (WP 1, WP 2);
2. Assessment of CO2 removal potential and possible ecological risks and side effects (WP 3, WP 4);
3. Evaluation of the economic viability and potential trade-offs as well as the regulatory framework for implementing artificial upwelling (WP 5, WP 6);
4. Transfer of project products to potential stakeholders and their communication to policy makers and the general public (WP 7).
Close connection within and between these focus areas will ensure efficient information transfer and provide the basis for synthesising project results with the aim of making framework recommendations for responsible and environmentally-friendly use of artificial upwelling. The project will interact with currently ongoing projects investigating the impacts of climate change on natural upwelling systems (BMBF projects Humbolt Tipping and CUSCO), and the ecological and biogeochemical impacts of artificial upwelling to increase marine food production. (ERC Advanced Grant project Ocean artUp). The integrated evaluation of artificial upwelling in the context of other negative emission technologies will be conducted through close interaction with the GEOMAR-led EU project (OceanNETs) and the cross-mission synthesis foreseen in the DAM project (ASMASYS).